Children's Hospital | Foundation stone laying ceremony

29.10.2020 | Lausanne

Lausanne 1ère pierre

The traditional laying of the foundation stone for the new Children's Hospital in Lausanne took place on 29.10.2020 in a small group.
In the midst of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, on the site of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Mrs Rebecca Ruiz, head of the health and social department, and Mr Pascal Broulis, head of the finance and external relations department, joined the management of the establishment and the various project partners for this celebration.
HRS Real Estate SA has been mandated by the CHUV as general contractor for the construction of this new 85-bed hospital, dedicated to children, adolescents and their families, which will open its doors in 2024.
This new construction, in the heart of the hospital complex, is a real challenge for the team in place, which thanks to its advanced technical skills and flexibility ensures punctual and precise monitoring of the work, despite the technical constraints due to the various existing buildings in operation, as well as the restrictions relating to vibrations and noise.