Pictet Campus in Rochemont | Building permit obtained and contracts signed

10.02.2022 | Carouge

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Photos: ©dl-a, designlab-architecture sa, Genève / Nightcurse Images, Zürich

Representatives of the Pictet Group today invited the media in the presence of the cantonal and municipal authorities to announce several important milestones for the future Pictet Campus in Rochemont.

First of all, a decisive step has been taken with the granting of the building permit, thus triggering the next phases of the work. The client also confirmed the award of the contract to HRS Real Estate.
By the summer of 2025, space for more than 2,500 workplaces will be built, as well as around 100 high-quality apartments. Becoming the new benchmark in terms of environment and innovation is one of the major challenges of the project.

HRS is very grateful to be able to take up this challenge and warmly thanks the Pictet Group for its confidence.

Architects: dl-a, designlab-architecture sa

press release:
Communique de presse Campus Pictet de Rochemont 10 février 2022