Votes on HRS projects were held in three Swiss cities on Sunday, and the people voted in favour twice:
In Zurich, the private design plan "Areal Hardturm - Stadion" was clearly accepted in all city districts with about 60%. This creates the legal planning conditions for the "Ensemble" building project to be realised and for Zurich to finally receive a new football stadium.
In Bulle there was a yes to the 55 million credit for the “Centre sportif régional de la Gruyère” in La Tour-de-Trême with an ice rink, a swimming pool and a sports hall.
We would like to sincerely thank the voters of Bulle and Zurich for their trust and look forward to the next steps!
In Muri-Gümligen the zone with planning obligation (ZPP) "Westliches Zentrum Gümligen" was unfortunately rejected. We are eagerly awaiting the analyses of what was the reason for the rejection and will consider in close cooperation with the municipality what should happen to our lots.