City centre development

St Margrethen

Zentrum St Margrethen DR Dürr 1
Zentrum St Margrethen DR Dürr 18
Zentrum St Margrethen DR Dürr 8
Zentrum St Margrethen DR Dürr 13
Zentrum St Margrethen DR Dürr 12

New development with a major retailer and other retail outlets on the first floor, service and residential uses on the upper floors.


HRS Investment AG, Frauenfeld

Services rendered by HRS
Project developer and total contractor with full cost, quality and deadline guarantee

rlc ag, Rheineck

Plot size
2,767 sqm

Overall costs
CHF 12 million

Duration of construction
2019 - 2021


HRS Real Estate AG
Walzmühlestrasse 48
8501 Frauenfeld

+41 58 122 85 00

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