Am Schänzli Hagnau Ost


01 panorama 20180425 HRS BP 2022 07 22 134541
01 Vogelperspektive 012
02 Strasse 011
03 Hagnauplatz 007
BUR HAG K03 191206 001 bearbeitet 2

The Hagnau Ost project is part of a large site development in Hagnau. Three high-rise buildings with apartments and offices, stores and a bowling alley are being built there. With its terracing, the base compensates for the difference in height to Hagnau West and, together with the towers, forms a structural brace around Hagnauplatz as the center of the development. The buildings are being planned using the BIM method. The high density of use protects the surrounding landscape and the local recreation area can be left undeveloped. In addition, generous open spaces will be created between the buildings with attractive connections for non-motorized traffic.


Swisscanto Investment Foundation rb. Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zurich

Services rendered by HRS
Project developer and sole contractor with full cost, quality and deadline guarantee

Burckhardt Architektur AG,
Generalplaner, Basel

Plot size
18,103 sqm

385 apartments, 14'000 sqm commercial (offices, retail), 601 parking spaces

Construction period
2024 - 2027

Investment volume

approx. CHF 350 million

More informations


HRS Real Estate AG
Hochbergerstrasse 60c
4057 Basel
+41 58 122 84 00

Leasing of office and commercial space:
HRS Real Estate AG
Nadja-Juliette Kamm
+41 58 122 84 00


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