Hardturm site

From 1929 to 2007, the Hardturm area was the venue of the Grasshopper Club Zurich. After that, it lay fallow. In 2018, voters paved the way for the "Ensemble" project by HRS, the winner of the investor competition. In addition to a football stadium for 18,000 spectators, it includes a cooperative building with 174 non-profit apartments, two high-rise buildings with 570 rental apartments as well as studio and commercial space. It was not least thanks to the special financing that the voters were persuaded to approve this significant urban development project: The income from the high-rise buildings finances the stadium and the cooperative provides affordable housing. The result is a balanced compromise that is economically and ecologically sustainable. The "ensemble" planned with BIM meets the energy requirements of the 2000-watt society.
Cooperative construction: ABZ Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zurich, Zurich
East and west towers: Credit Suisse Funds AG and Credit Suisse
Investment foundation, Zurich
Stadium: Stadion Zurich AG c/o HRS International AG, Zurich
Services rendered by HRS
Project developer, part-investor and sole contractor with full cost, quality and deadline guarantee
Boltshauser Architekten AG, Zurich
Caruso St John Architects, Zurich
pool Architects, Zurich
Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur AG, Zurich
Plot size
54,620 sqm
Total cost
Ca. CHF 675 Mio.
Construction period
In planning