Innovation Park Zurich

With the Zurich Innovation Park, we are developing a special campus for research and development activities of national and international companies and Swiss research institutions on around 55 hectares in the immediate vicinity of the city of Zurich at Dübendorf Airport. The Innovation Park Zurich combines Switzerland's existing locational advantages with a highly competitive national and international research network in an attractive urban environment for work, life and leisure.
With the Innovation Park Zurich, the infrastructure required for research and development (laboratories, offices, halls, special areas and test areas) will be created in stages. At the same time, a wide range of opportunities for exchange and networking among the various user groups on and around the site will be created.
The Innovation Park is of great strategic importance for the Canton of Zurich and Switzerland as a whole. When fully developed, it will create over 14,000 new jobs and generate annual added value of around CHF 2.7 billion (in relation to Switzerland).
Overall area: Stiftung Innovationspark Zürich, Zurich
Buildings: Arealentwicklung IPZ AG, Dübendorf
Services rendered by HRS
Site developer and total contractor with full cost, quality and schedule guarantee, co-investor in the real estate vehicle, responsible for marketing and operating the site, including business development for the entire IPZ
Master planning: KCAP GmbH, Zurich
Campus landscape architecture: Vogt
Landschaftsarchitekten AG, Zurich, Effekt, Copenhagen
Building typologies: Penzel Valier AG, Zurich
Buildings: Max Dudler AG, Zurich, E2A, Zurich, Boltshauser Architekten AG, Zurich, Muoto, Paris, Studio TEN, Zurich, Penzel Valier AG, Zurich, Mulder Zonderland, Amsterdam, 3XN, Copenhagen, KCAP GmbH, Zurich, Dario Wohler Architekten AG, Zurich
Sub-area A: 360,000 m2
Sub-area B: 190,000 m2
Investment volume
Over CHF 700 million
Realization period
Innovation Park Zurich: great economic importance
18.02.2021 -
New investor at Zurich Innovation Park
01.03.2023 -
Innovation Park Zurich: completion of the architectural competition and first new buildings
27.03.2024 -
IPZ Hall 4 - Completion and handover
15.04.2024 -
Zurich Innovation Park: Hall 3 handed over to ETH Zurich
25.06.2024 -
Innovation Park Zurich welcomes Starlab Space
09.12.2024 -
Innovation Park Zurich: Hall 2 handed over to ETH Zurich Dübendorf