Historical growth
The headquarters of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has a long history. From 1926, the William Rappard Centre, was the first in Geneva to host international organisations. The International Labour Organisation (ILO), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the library of the Graduate Institute of International Studies (IUHEI) moved into the premises on Lake Geneva one after the other. In 1995 the WTO moved in. With an increasing number of member states, the space in the historic building became somewhat tight. In 2008 the organisation launched a renovation programme for the four-storey building and an extension.
Mirror of water
The building underwent some alterations.
Development and transformation of the William Rappard Centre
A library was converted into a
modular conference centre with 450 seats.
An 18-metre high atrium was planned and included, among other things,
all services for officials and visitors,
as well as a cafeteria and dining room, and
as a decorative water feature.
FIPOI, Fondation des Immeubles pour les Organisations Internationales, Geneva
Services rendered by HRS
General contractor with full cost, quality and deadline guarantee